Senior Javascript Developer specializing in functional, modular, and data-driven JavaScript architectures. I love Array methods, object deconstructing, rest operators, and Async/Await :)
Love meeting new people, traveling, snowboarding, catching shows, and writing music.
You'll typically find me in one of these areas:
Node (API development, async/await, file streams, S3 and gzip integration, file format conversions), React, React Native, Redux, AWS Serverless, AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS Icognito, AWS DynamoDB, AWS S3, AWS Cloudfront, Google IoT, Google Functions, Google BigQuery, Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, RXJS, Angular, TypeScript, Webpack, D3.js, Vis.js, Sketch, Styled Components, CSS in JS, Material UI, Storybook, Jest, React Testing Library
Grunt, Bower, jQuery, MongoDB, Underscore, Backbone, Require, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, REST API, JavaScript (mostly functional), Object Oriented JavaScript, Yeoman, noSQL, SASS, Compass, LESS, YAML, HTML5, JSON, CSS3, CSS2, Mustache, GitHub, Git, UNIX, Sublime, JIRA
Love meeting new people, traveling, snowboarding, catching shows, and writing music.